
Whether it be gardening, preserving food, making your own products, business, or just a little bit of life, my goal is to help you discover how to live the life you want to live.

Welcome to A Thoughts Journey!

My name is Fairen and I’m so excited that you decided to join me on this journey called life.  

I began in 2013 with a small review blog that transformed into a community blog of 10 writers designed to help authors grow, connect, and be inspired.

During the adventure of the 2020 pandemic, I realized the importance of sourcing my own everyday items. I learned to garden, preserve food, and to make my own health and beauty products. I ran into the rules that say you must do things a certain way and learned that the rules to many things are flexible. During this process, I realized how unhappy I was with my life and how stuck I felt.

I learned I was not stuck.

I didn’t have to think the way I was thinking. I didn’t have to do what I thought I had to do. I have choices and options. I can say what I want and get it. I also learned that I can deny the options presented to me if they don’t meet my needs.

I learned how to look at my life honestly to uncover what is and what isn’t working, to understand where I want to be, and figure out how to get there.

During this time, I began giving my products to close family and friends which quickly became frequently requested. To meet that demand, I originally launched athoughtsjourney.com to sell quality homemade products.

Today, A Thought’s Journey is here to help you discover how to live the life you want to live. Whether it be gardening, preserving food, making your own products, business, or just a little bit of life, I offer simple strategies and quality homemade products to help you thrive even if the world falls apart.

Join our community! Learn how to live the life you want to live and be the first to know about our monthly products.

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